How to Confirm Your Sendent Settings

Settings allow users to confirm their personal preferences. These settings can optionally be made available to users but will always be overridden by the server settings.

Note: None of the settings can be changed here; they are only for confirmation. You cannot modify them. All settings must be configured through our Nextcloud app.

All settings adjustable in the add-in can also be confirmed in the server settings, overriding any add-in settings. Some settings may not be visible or adjustable due to specific server app configurations by the Administrator.

The administrator can decide whether users have access to the add-in's Settings option. If you have sufficient rights, you can access the Settings by clicking the Settings button in your email dialog ribbon.

License Settings

The following settings can be confirmed from the Settings dialog:

Server URL: Confirm the URL of the Nextcloud server you want to connect with.

Account: Confirm the username associated with the server URL.

View: Confirm your Sendent subscription plan, license end date, and the status of the license.

General Settings

The following settings can be confirmed from the Settings dialog:

Language: Confirm your preferred language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch.

Insert snippet location: Confirm where the email template will be inserted: At cursor position, At start of email body.

Access to debug mode: Confirm the debug mode status. Enabling debug mode may give the system administrator or developers more detailed insights into what is happening inside the Outlook add-in. Make sure Outlook isn’t opened at the moment of enabling this setting.

Password control behavior: Confirm the password pop-up behavior for manual adjustments: Off, Before sending, Before and after sending.

Add upload date to folder path: Confirm whether the current date is added to the folder path for uploading files.

Password communication mode: Confirm how the password is sent: Include in the email body, Send in a separate email.

Password snippet: Confirm the HTML for the email template used when “Password communication mode” is set to “Send in separate email.”

Attachment Settings

Attachment mode: Confirm how attachments are handled in outgoing emails. If attachment mode is enabled, the Outlook add-in will monitor all outgoing emails. This mechanism allows for two triggers:

Minimum attachment size (MB): Confirm the predefined threshold (expressed in MBs) for the attachment size. When the attachment size exceeds this threshold, the add-in will require the user to upload the attachment to their Nextcloud server.

If an email contains a traditional attachment, confirm that the user will receive a prompt to upload it to their Nextcloud server. The upload is optional but not mandatory.

Share Files & Share Public Folder

Share Files snippet: Confirm the email template used by the Share Files Sendent feature.

Share Public Folder snippet: Confirm the email template used by the Share Public Folder Sendent feature.

Secure Mail

Activate Secure Mail: Confirm the status of the Secure Mail feature: Enabled, Disabled.

Enforce Secure Mail: Confirm whether the Secure Mail feature is always used for all emails: Enabled, Disabled.

Secure Mail snippet: Confirm the HTML for the email template used after sending an email when Secure Mail is activated.

Guest Accounts

Activate Guest accounts: Confirm if guest accounts are enabled.

Enforce Guest accounts: Confirm whether guest accounts are always enforced.

Load Server Settings

Load Server Settings: Clicking this option allows you to load the latest settings configured by the administrator on Nextcloud. Note that loading the server settings will overwrite any local settings you have previously configured using the options mentioned above.


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