Certificate Issues
The back-end for both Sendent for MS and Sendent for Outlook (Cross-Platform) utilize NodeJS. It is important to know that NodeJS implements strictly their own certificate chain. This could possibly lead into issues during the setup process. Particularly whenever a user tries to connect with their Nextcloud instance.
- No full chain certificate supplied
- Wildcard
- Self-signed certificates
MS Teams Client --> | Sendent for MS Teams --> | Your Nextcloud |
Certificate issues are usually caused between Sendent for MS Teams (or cross-platform) and Your Nextcloud instance.
Often SSL issues can be identified using SSL Labs it's scan tool. For the scan tool, supply your Nextcloud instance it's URL.
SSL Server Test (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs)
You can enable an option to hide the scan results.
The image below is an example result from the SSL Labs test. In this case no chain issues are reported, which is a good indicator.
Setting up extra certificate information
In case you want to load your organization it's self-signed SSL certificate or implement a wilcard certificate / solve chain issues, the fix involves loading the SSL certificate in the docker-compose.yml
as a extra environment variable.
In the docker-compose.yml, this environment variable should be added:
In the example below, we add a new volume where the certificate particularly will be stored in combination with the new environment variable. The example is from Sendent for Outlook, however it also applies to Sendent for MS Teams.
Notice the following modifications:
- New Environment Variable
- New Volume created, binds to root directory
version: '3.9'services: sendent.outlook: image: rg.nl-ams.scw.cloud/sendent-public/sendent-outlook:latest platform: linux/amd64 build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile restart: on-failure environment: - NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/cert/your-full-chain-cert.pem ports: - "4300:4300" volumes: - ./docker-config:/usr/src/app/outlook-addin/docker-config - ./cert:/cert networks: - node_network networks: node_network: